February- "A Month of Prayer"

The Elders at Choctaw are calling us to consider February as a "Month of Prayer" to help encourage us to walk and talk with God. Our desire is to establish a relationship with the Creator similar to Adam's before sin entered the world and God walked with him as a friend.

God has always wanted to dwell in and with man, but the sin problem is always in the way. Thankfully, He prepared a way through the sacrifice of His only Son, to deal with the sin problem. In addition, God prepared a means for a personal rapport with each of us through a process called prayer.

Because we know and believe that prayer works and that prayer has power, we sometimes want to use prayer as Aladdin's lamp to summon God or His angels to do our bidding. Perhaps that's why we don't always receive what we sometimes ask for. The one thing we can be assured of is God hears our prayers and always answers them.

By observing an entire month dedicated to prayer we can:

1. Increase and improve our spirituality;

2. Encourage our faith;

3. Increase our love for God;

4. Plead for divine help in things we cannot control.

5. Become happier and more thankful for all we do have..... And much more.

A month focusing on prayer will help us to change prayer from an "OCCASIONAL ACT" to a "HABITUAL ATTITUDE". II Thes. 5:17-18.

So make a "new" resolution and join with our leaders in a Month of Prayer in February...and be encouraged as we experience the empowering of prayer in God's church family.

Phil 4:6-7... " Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."