Could She Be You?

The unnamed, insignificant (?), Hebrew slave girl of Naaman was the central cause of one of the most unusual Spirit supplied stories in the Old Testament.  Here is what we know about her: 1. She retained faith in God, while serving as a slave in the foreign region of Syria; 2. She was confident of God’s power and knew God’s prophet (Elisha) could cleanse a leper (II Kings 5:3,8); 3. She sincerely cared for the welfare of the people who had enslaved her (II Kings 5:2f; Jeremiah 29:7; Romans 12:20f); 4. She did what she could.

Of course, the prominent people in the story are: 1. The Kings of Syria and Israel (II Kings 5:1,6); 2. Naaman, the commander of the Syrian forces, who was a leper (v.1); 3. Elisha, the prophet of God (vv. 3, 8-15); 4. And even Gehazi, the servant of Elisha (vv.20-27).  However, none of those amazing series of acts, attitudes, healing, gift-giving, a leper cleansed, and a healthy man turned into a leper—None of that would have happened had not that insignificant slave girl—a “nobody” in the cultural setting of her day—spread the word about the power of God through His prophet!

How many reading this article might best fit that young girl’s role in this sublime story?  She acted on what she knew, and a “mushrooming,” life-changing, cultural cleansing and even an international string of influences unfolded!!  How do YOU fit into this?  One of the greatest needs of Bible-believing neighbors and friends all around us—who are attending services somewhere-is to properly understand that moment when faith has led someone to the water—that soul-cleansing moment-when by Christ’s covenant “sins are washed away” (Acts 2:38; 22:16).  Atheists, Bible-haters, skeptics are not the general crowd with whom we associate.  Also, if there is any part of the Bible most brethren do truly understand, it is that baptism is a burial in water (Romans 6:3,4; Acts *:36-39), and that submersion moment is when Christ sees fit to cleanse believers from their sins (Mark 16:15; Acts 2:38)—the moment one gets “into Christ” and in His church (Galatians 3:26f; I Cor. 12:13; Eph. 1:22f).  You know and have faith in that moment!!

Like Naaman needed to know Elisha, You know what such friends need for that cleansing moment to become eternally related to Christ-at least to begin that journey.  Remember what a most rewarding deed that young slave girl did for Naaman.  Could You be like her, helping someone near you be cleansed—to relate to Christ for eternity?