Taking Things for Granted, or Something Greater?

Have you ever faulted yourself for taking something for granted? You might presume, even subconsciously, that your ability to see is a
given. You accept the gift of sight without considering the cause behind it.

We are taught that such blessings are from God as James wrote: “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”
James 1:17

No doubt we do often take things for granted. It occurs to me, however, that because something greater is happening we should cut ourselves a little slack.

What I mean is that God has filled our lives so abundantly with blessings that it is difficult…. no, it is impossible for us to keep up. God’s generosity towards us is just too great for us to know how to fully appreciate it.

We sing the song, “Count your many blessings” and it is a good one. But I dare you to do it. You will have to stop long before you finish simply from either lack of time or exhaustion. And these would only be the blessings of which we are aware!

So I encourage you, raise your hand and your heart to your heavenly Father every day in gratitude for his kindness towards us. Perhaps in glory we will see how great his kindness is, but for now it is left only to our imaginations.